
Oil And Natural Gas Pipeline Construction

Installation of flowlines, communication cables, power cables, skid foundation etc in sensitive oil field area in a highly safety and environment friendly atmosphere.

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Guided Tunneling

Guided tunneling is improved version of auger boring. In this tunneling system a sensor is fitted to the front end cutter with a receiver similar to HDD locator, the path of auger boring is identified.

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Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is a method of installing underground pipelines, cables and service conduit through trenchless methods. It involves the use of a directional drilling machine, and associated attachments, to accurately drill along the chosen bore path and back ream the required pipe.

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Auger Boring

Auger boring is the process of forming a horizontal bore by jacking the steel casing through the earth from a main shaft to a reception shaft. Spoil is removed from inside the encasement by means of a rotating auger. These rotating augers carry the spoil back through the casing pipe to the main shaft for removal.

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Pipe Jacking

It is a method of jacking a steel casing / concrete pipe using hydraulic jacks & removing the soil inside manually

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De-watering is a term to describe the removal of groundwater or surface water from a particular location. For example a construction site. In construction the water is pumped from wells or sumps to temporarily lower the groundwater levels, to allow excavation in dry and stable conditions below natural groundwater level.

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Cathodic Protection

Cathodic protection is one of the most effective methods for preventing corrosion on a metal surface. Cathodic protection is commonly used to protect numerous structures against corrosion, such as ships, offshore floaters, subsea equipment, harbors, pipelines, tanks; basically all submerged or buried metal structures

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Piling is the process of driving or boring pile foundations into the ground beneath a building that is under construction. These piles transfer loads from the structure to the ground, helping to support it. Pile foundations are often used where the ground is too weak to underpin the structure.

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N.N Jain

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